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Audit Compliance

Clothing Design Studio is fully inspected for production by all large retailers; we have undergone various technical, security and ethical audits.


Ethical Audit


Clothing Design Studio is proud to be fully compliant with SMETA.


Clothing Design Studio has conducted on-site SMETA audits at the factory to assess how labour, health and safety, environmental and business ethics standards are being met.


The SMETA ethical audit was conducted by independent auditors, on behalf of retailers.


Technical Audit


Individual retailers have their version of a technical audit, which involves ensuring the quality of garments. Clothing Design Studio is proud of its craftsmanship and always strives to maintain a high-level of quality for all garments.


Security Audit


We have also undergone a security audit for large retailers. A strict security audit was conducted that confirms Clothing Design Studio on the right track towards protecting against a data breach and other costly security threats.


Company Core Values


Clothing Design Studio strongly believes that, We all have a right to a safe and healthy work environment, a profit related wage, a legally binding contract. We all have a right to be free from discrimination and harassment, to join - or not to join - a labour union, to choose our work freely. We all have a right to fair and reasonable working hours.


Clothing Design Studio insures and adopted a robust policy with regard to the following minimum social responsibility criteria:

  • No use of child labour along any chain we use to source materials

  • No use of forced labour

  • Safe and healthy working conditions

  • Legal labour contracts

  • Payment of at least the living wage

  • We love trade unions and our safety champion is an respected GMB activist

  • No discrimination against employees

  • No excessive hours of work 

  • Flexible working to encourage a product to be proud of producing

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